Monday, August 27, 2012

28 weeks

Of course I was going to post week 27, and then that didn't happen, but here is week 28!

How far along? 28 weeks (7 months) Third Trimester!!

Total weight gain/measurements: 7lbs! Woah, were did all this weight come from all of a sudden? I guess I shouldn't complain. Some people have gained a lot more than 7lbs by now. But I'm healthy and so is the baby, so that is all that matters!

Size Of Baby: About 2 1/4lbs and 14.8 inches long. No wonder I gained some weight!

Sleep: I'm sleeping a little bit better now. I wake up about 2 times a night to pee. Sometimes more, depending on how much I drank before bed.

Maternity clothes: I have A pair of XS maternity pants and XS maternity shorts that I wear. Other than that, I use my belly band. I have a few maternity tops I bought on clearance, but I mostly wear regular shirts. Or fitted t-shirts that I got a size bigger.

Stretch marks? No pregnancy stretch marks yet.

Best moment this week: More people finally noticing I'm pregnant. They aren't always sure when they ask, but its nice to be asked!
Miss anything? Lunch meat. Seeing my feet sometimes. Energy Drinks!
Movement: Constantly! This child doesn't stop moving! She is definitely her daddy's child.

Cravings?: Fruit, Chocolate, lunch meat, wine, and meatball subs! (I indulged in the chocolate, fruit, and sub lol).

Anything making you queasy or sick? Hamburger meat. I used to love it, but I cant eat it now.

Gender: She is a girl!

Labour signs: I haven't had any, which is a good thing!

Symptoms: Peeing, back pain, cramping, discharge, my pelvic area has been really sore. 

Belly button in or out? In.

Happy or moody most of the time: I'm always pretty happy. Unless I'm exhausted or starving

Baby related purchases?: Nothing new. We did our registry though!

Looking forward to: Another Ultrasound! Decorating the Nursery! Having her! I dreamed about having her and now I'm impatient! I want her!


I am a horrible blogger. It doesn't help that there has been a lot going on lately...

  • I picked up more hours at work
  • I started Online and regular college classes
  • My laptop committed suicide and I had to get a new one
  • Tropical Storm Isaac graced us with his presence
  • There were also some family birthdays
I know all I do is make excuses, but all of that on top of pregnancy made the last 2 weeks or so a little more complicated than usual.

Since I don't have too many pictures of the things that have been going on, I can post the one thing I do have pictures of. Tropical Storm Isaac. (According to one News station, we were lucky that we weren't affected by this storm at all.) Ill post the pictures and let you decide if we were affected.

Photo: 34,000,000 dollars spent on drainage and this is my street

Photo: Updated w/photos: No injuries reported after possible tornado hits Vero Palm Estates, Countryside -

Does this look like a regular light rainstorm to anyone else?

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Late, but 26 weeks

My internet connection was down, Im Sorry. I know the 27th week post should be up in two days, so hopefully I can get that one up too!

How far along? 26 weeks (6 months)
Total weight gain/measurements: 4lbs up from pre pregnancy weight
Size Of Baby:  About 14 inches and 1 2/3 pounds
Sleep: I have to have my legs wrapped around S, or a body pillow. I now wake up at least twice to pee. Sometimes my back is killing me when I wake up
Maternity clothes: My sister gave me an amazing pair of maternity jeans. Also, another pair of maternity shorts. I still wear my belly band most of the time. I wear shirts in a size up, but they are still pretty roomy.
Stretch marks? No pregnancy stretch marks yet.
Best moment this week: S cuddling up to my belly in his sleep. Having baby girl kick S super hard! He didn't believe me how much she beats me up!
Miss anything? Being able to bend down and get up easily. Staying up late. Sleeping good.
Movement: Constantly! This child doesn't stop moving!
Cravings?: Fruit, Chocolate!!
Anything making you queasy or sick? Eggs. I didn't like eggs before pregnancy and I still don't. I also don't like meat anymore.
Gender: She is a girl!
Labour signs: I haven't had any, which is a good thing!
Symptoms: Peeing, back pain, cramping, discharge.
Belly button in or out? In.
Happy or moody most of the time: I'm always pretty happy. Unless I'm exhausted or starving
Baby related purchases?: See last post for lots of pictures.
Looking forward to: Another Ultrasound! Decorating the Nursery!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Baby girl!

This little girl has so many clothes already. Its only Wednesday, and we found out on Friday that she was a girl. Fiance's mom did some shopping over the weekend, and when I had off on Monday, I did some shopping with my mom.

Some of her clothes that are in my closet.

These are a few of my favorites...

$2 at JCPennys. She has other sizes and patterns of this.

Onesie with pants $3

I love these little shorts!

$3 for this outfit. She has 2 in different sizes and patterns.

Also $2 or $3 at JCpennys! She also has this in brown in another size.

I love lady bugs!

Her Gma got her these. I haven't seen them anywhere yet, but I love them! Half of them have ruffles, and the other onesies are white with bright colored butterflies.

I love this little set. My mom got her this.

Somebody also told me Gymboree had a lot of things on clearance. When we went into the store at first, it didn't look like it, but they really had a lot of good deals!

Shorts! Where we live, you can never have too many shorts! Most of these are 12 months and up. I only paid $3-$4 a piece for them! (Gymboree)

She got blue socks in every size to fit her until she is 2. lol. They were only $.45. The packs of socks were $1 a piece or something like that. $2 for the hat. And the shoes were the best price of all! They were originally $28, marked down to $2! (Gymboree)

Shirts. $2-$4. (Gymboree)

The little pink dress was $5 and the sweater was $6. I am in love with the sweater! (Gymboree)

All of her clothes are different sizes, all the way up to 2t.

Some onesies I had gotten her. These are pretty much her only Newborn sized clothes. (The top right white onesies isnt newborn though).

Bath Towels! The two pack frog ones were on clearance for $3!

Baby blankets! I love how soft they are. I got each of them on sale too.


*Warning post might be TMI*
On Monday, I had the day off so my mom and I decided to do some shopping for our little girl. We didn't stay out too long, and I made sure I ate, kept hydrated, and rested when I could. By the time I got home, I was a little crampy and just felt crappy. I decided to take a Tylenol and go to bed early. I went to sleep around 10, and other than getting up at 7am to pee, I slept in until 11am! It felt good.

The scary thing was when I got up at 11 and went to the bathroom, I noticed pink on the toilet paper. The water in the toilet was also red tinged. I called the Dr.s office and they said to go to the hospital. I peed a few more times before I left (I still had to change and get a few things to take to the hospital since I had literally just woken up). Every time, it seemed like things were getting worse. I started to get little ity bitty clots. I was getting cramps and getting scared more and more by the minute.

By the time we got to the hospital, I was taken straight up to labor and delivery. I had to undress and pee in a cup. When I went to pee in a cup, the whole thing was red. Not yellow like pee should be, but a dark red. I also had more clots. I completely lost it. I started freaking out and crying. Luckily my mom was there. I just started yelling for her. The nurse was trying to help my mom calm me down long enough to get undressed so I could be hooked up to the monitors. My mom managed to help me and I got hooked up to hear baby girl's strong and steady heartbeat. She was also moving like crazy.

They did so many tests to try to make sure I wasn't dilated and that I didn't have any infections or anything else. The Dr. had thought my water might have partially broken and started leaking and then caused an infection. The nurse thought maybe a UTI, but I didn't have a single symptom for it other than the blood. I spent a good 5 hours in the hospital. I was released with antibiotics and was told to follow up with a dr. in a few days, as long as nothing got worse. They still weren't able to tell me what was wrong by the time I left, so hopefully the medicine helps. So far I am doing better, but I still will have fresh blood or tiny clots here and there.

So Im sorry I haven't posted, but I have a few posts for you guys since I was behind. I have my 25 week update and some pictures from my shopping spree!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Big Pregnancy Update

So Friday was a busy day. I got off work a little early and we went to have a gender ultrasound done. At first, we couldn't see anything. The baby wasn't in a good position. The ultrasound tech had only one more appointment before he had to leave, but he told us we could try again in a few minutes to see if the baby moved at all. If not, we were out of luck and had to reschedule. So I drank some juice and we walked around. Luckily, that worked and the baby moved into the perfect position.

As horrible as it is to say, we were shocked by the news. We were both so positive (as well as everybody else) that we were having a boy. My motherly instincts were wrong. Everything was wrong. Both of us couldn't help but be sad. We had wanted a little boy so badly. We didn't plan on having any girls, at all. (Not that we could control it). The thought didn't really cross our minds. We both always just saw ourselves having boys. I honestly don't know what I'm going to do with a little girl. Things are going to be completely different. It was hard hearing everyone tell us, just be happy that your having a healthy daughter. Your going to love her anyways. We obviously get that, but in a way, we were mourning the loss of our son. When we lost our first baby, we didn't really grieve, but we just tried to move on. Thinking this baby was a boy, made it harder on us. All of the what ifs about the first baby didn't make it any easier either. I'm sure I'm going to be judged as a horrible mother. I feel horrible about having these thoughts and feelings, but for some reason,  I cant really help it. I know I'm not the only one who felt this way, because I have seen it on my birth boards too, but does it get any better?

We don't have a name for her picked out yet. A boy name was easy, because he was going to be named after his dad, but now, we have a lot more to think about. My Fiance is Russian, so we decided we want to pick out a Russian name if possible. But we want a name that means something. Anybody who has ever named a baby before knows how hard naming a baby is!

One good thing is that I can finally start picking out Nursery stuff. This baby girl will have two Nursery's. One of them my Fiance's mom will be decorating, and the other I will be decorating. It will be fun to see what each of us come up with. I'm starting to run out of time though! There is so much to do. Look for plenty of before and after nursery pictures with plenty of DIY posts!

Also, we agreed to let S's mom do a baby shower for us. It will be in the middle of October. My mom is also throwing a shower, but we haven't planned too much for that one yet. Now S and I have to go make our registries. Any suggestions on the best places to register?

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Baby Shower Themes/Ideas

My Fiance's mother insists we have a baby shower. I'm still not too sure about the idea. I didn't really want a shower in the first place. And if I let one mother throw a shower, I have to let the other So that would be two showers. I didn't decide on having one, but it did make me look at pinterest for

This is what I came up with...

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I love ducks!

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Sea themed. Fiance and I like Sharks a lot. His mom really likes the sea themed stuff, so if she was throwing it, this would probably be the theme.

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And the theme I want the most! Halloween. Ive always loved Halloween things! I'm not sure if we could pull it off though with the dates and everything else :(